20 Questions

Besides being a working filmmaker and photographer, I’m just another ordinary person with interests (normal and nerdy) - just like you. Here’s some random facts/trivia about me!

Astrology sign?

I’m a Libra.

Favorite color?

Yellow. Orange is a close second!

Favorite Food?

Spaghetti with my mom’s homemade pasta sauce. Yum!

Current Hobby?

Video Games. I have recently got into toy collecting too!

Favorite type of music?

It may sound weird but TV/Movie/Game soundtracks. I know so specific but it genuinely makes me happy and pumped.

Favorite Video Game?

The Last of Us

Favorite movie?


Favorite genre?

Sci-Fi. Western is a close second.

Favorite Series/Franchise?

Star Wars (Psst...I may have a secret page dedicated to this if you’re an avid Star Wars fan like me)

What’s something you can’t live without?

Pen and paper – my notebook has essentially become a part of me.

Dream Job?

Work for Disney

Second Dream Job?


Something you dislike the most?


Who inspires you the most (real or fictional)?

I’m a huge Star Wars fan, and Ahsoka Tano is a huge inspiration to me. I grew up with her and wanted to be just like her. I relate to her hopes, aspirations, struggles, dreams and fears. She has played a significant part in my life not just as a filmmaker/storyteller but as an individual. I truly do believe she’s one of the reasons where I am today. Her sense of wisdom and perseverance is what resonates with me the most. She may be just a strong female character in some people’s eyes, but she’s more than that.

So you’re a huge Star Wars fan, what’s your favorite Star Wars Era?

Tough one but Fall of the Jedi era (Clone Wars)

What makes you laugh the hardest?

Videos of people breaking their game through glitches, mods, etc. I love ragdoll physics in games.

If you could have one superpower, what would it be?


Favorite quote?

“Greatness from small beginnings.”

What’s a guilty passion of yours that may shock some people?

I’m really into fashion and styling. As someone who radiates tomboy energy, I love messing with patterns and colors when it comes to clothes.

Hidden talent or something that many people don’t know?

I’m a YouTuber, specifically a gamer. Been making content since 2013 - I produce, film, edit, and promote my videos.